Little people learning to play and playing to learn
A little about
Blue Door Out of School
We are an established childcare provider having operated Blue Door Nursery on Allensbank Rd in Cardiff, since 2006. Blue Door Out of School Care will continue to offer first class childcare at Whitchurch Rd, for children aged 3 – 11 years who attend school.
We provide the following out of school services:
- Breakfast Club
- After School Club
- Wraparound for state funded nursery places
- Inset Day Cover
- Holiday Club
We put children at the centre of our work at Blue Door, where we ensure children have a safe, happy, inclusive and healthy environment.
We continually build relationships with parents and carers, recognising that strong partnerships between home and care settings are imperative. We provide opportunities to improve outcomes for all children through providing appropriate support and a consistent approach to play and learning, ensuring children reach their full potential as confident and happy individuals, successful learners, effective contributors and responsible citizens.
Blue Door Out of School Care provides first class care, in a stimulating and safe environment. Children are encouraged to explore naturally and learn social skills through nurture and play. Enablement for the development of self-esteem, self-confidence, self-discipline and independence, by using both structured and spontaneous play and being encouraged to use their own imagination and creativity.
We offer a food preparation area and quiet areas, and we have an outside space for children to explore and exercise. We have a utility space that is only for staff use but enables all cleaning supplies to be stored and laundry. Toilet and first aid facilities are available as well as personal storage and administrative space.
Activities are planned weekly offering opportunities for free play. Under 5’s have a dedicated area that offers the 7 areas of learning;Communication and language development, physical development, personal, social, and emotional development, literacy development, mathematics, understanding the world, expressive arts and design. This will be offered via continuous provision and free flow. As mentioned above we have an outside space, but due to Covid restrictions children will only go outdoors at set times to maintain the bubbles we have formed. We will also have a split-level outside space which we aim to have ready by April 2021. Both outside spaces will encompass the 7 areas of learning and will be part of free flow.
Children will be encouraged to participate in the planning of activities and the provision of ideas regarding equipment needs.
Activities are planned in advance for all children in our care. We provide variety and diversity in order to encourage children’s social and physical development. We review and amend them on a regular basis, in order to continually stimulate the children and staff and to take advantage of seasonal opportunities.

140 Whitchurch Road, Heath, Cardiff, CF14 3LZ
Call Us
02920 626 486
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